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Faq’s - Key2FutureDrivingSchool


Find answers in our
list of frequently asked questions

  • q:What are the requirements to begin learning to drive?

    a: Before embarking on learning to drive, it is important to meet certain legal requirements. These include being a minimum of 17 years old and holding a valid provisional license.

  • q:What can I expect during my initial driving lesson?

    a: During your first driving lesson, your instructor will begin by requesting to see your licence and assessing your eyesight by having you read a vehicle registration plate from approximately 20 meters away. Typically, the first lesson is a two-hour session, allowing you to become acquainted with the car and its controls. You can anticipate covering fundamental skills such as starting and stopping the vehicle, as well as basic maneuvers.

  • q:Is it permissible to commence driving lessons prior to successfully passing my theory test?

    a: Absolutely! It is not only possible but also highly recommended to start your driving lessons before clearing your theory test. The practical experience gained during lessons will enhance your understanding of the theory test questions and answers. Additionally, the knowledge acquired while studying for the theory test will prove invaluable during your practical lessons, creating a beneficial connection between the two aspects of your driving education.

  • q:What is the anticipated number of lessons necessary for me to achieve proficiency in driving?

    a: The number of lessons required varies for each individual, as everyone learns at their own pace. On average, the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) estimates that students typically need around 35-40 hours of tuition before reaching test readiness. However, if you find yourself needing more than 50 hours, there may be specific factors hindering your progress that your instructor can help identify and address.

  • q:How about an intensive course?

    a: While intensive courses may seem appealing, it is crucial to consider that individuals often require time to assimilate and internalize the knowledge and skills they acquire. Sustained and regular tuition plays a significant role in the learning process, and it is typically recommended to have two to three lessons per week, particularly during the initial weeks of learning. This approach ensures optimal retention and progress.

  • q:Are intensive courses an effective approach for learning to drive?

    a: Indeed, intensive courses can be beneficial. However, it's important to note that the outcome of being fully prepared to pass a driving test by the end of the course cannot be guaranteed for everyone. While some individuals may be ready, others might require additional lessons to reach the desired level of proficiency. It is crucial to recognize that completing 20 to 30 hours of tuition within a 2-3 week period is comparable to 20-30 weeks of tuition at a rate of one hour per week. Opting for an intensive course allows you to gain experience and build confidence within a shorter timeframe, condensing what could potentially take months of learning into just a few weeks.

  • q:Is there a cancellation fee for booking changes or rescheduling?

    a: Certainly, cancellation charges apply unless a minimum of 48 hours' notice is provided before your scheduled lesson.

  • q:Are theory test training sessions available?

    a: Certainly! We provide practice sessions and simulated theory tests, which also include the hazard perception test. You can find these resources at our specialized facility located on Coventry Road. For further details, please feel free to get in touch with us.

  • q:What is the recommended duration for a lesson?

    a: Traditionally, most individuals opted for one-hour lessons. However, based on our extensive experience, we have discovered that two-hour lessons yield greater productivity for both the learner and the instructor. Each lesson consists of three distinct phases: a briefing at the beginning, a short setting-in period, and the main instructional segment in the middle. Finally, there is a recap and evaluation of what has been accomplished. Two-hour lessons provide the opportunity to cover more material compared to one-hour sessions. Occasionally, three-hour lessons or longer may be suitable, but this depends on the individual learner.

  • q:Is Pass Plus offered?

    a: Absolutely! We highly recommend that all our students enroll in the DVSA Pass Plus course. It proves advantageous for new drivers as completing the course can lead to substantial savings on motor insurance. It's important to note that this course is not graded as a pass or fail; instead, it extends the scope of regular driving instruction by covering topics like motorway driving, night driving, high-speed overtaking, and more.

  • q:Is it possible to take a driving test without a theory test certificate?

    a: No, it is mandatory for all individuals who intend to take a practical test to possess a theory test certificate.

  • q:Am I able to select a training time that suits my schedule?

    a: During the registration process, we kindly request you to specify your preferred training times. We will make every endeavor to accommodate your requested time slots and provide you with the utmost convenience.

  • q:If I already possess basic driving skills and desire to refine them, do you offer a suitable course?

    a: Absolutely! We provide both an advanced course and a refresher course specifically designed to enhance driving skills. These courses are perfect for individuals looking to further improve their driving abilities.

  • q:What kind of training is available for becoming an instructor?

    a: Our instructor training program encompasses three parts. Part 1 focuses on the theoretical aspect, and we provide all the essential materials such as books and discs to support your learning. Part 2 assesses your driving proficiency, setting a high standard with a maximum allowance of six faults. Part 3 evaluates your teaching abilities. On average, it takes approximately 60 hours of one-to-one training to meet the required standard. To gain practical experience, you have the option to obtain a trainee license, which will aid in acquiring the necessary expertise.

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